Avoiding the Big ‘O’

Though it is now accepted that orgasms are perfectly safe for most pregnant women, there are some situations in which orgasms are not advised.

Women who are at risk for preterm labor should not have orgasms, as they could increase the risk of kicking off labor contractions. If you are worried about having an orgasm during pregnancy, speak with your health care provider.

Feelin’ It

Female orgasms are typically always enjoyable, but you may find that you enjoy them more than ever during pregnancy. This is because of the increased blood flow to your pelvic region.

During intercourse, your labia, clitoris, and vagina become sensitive thanks to the increased circulation of blood and fluids in your body. When you are pregnant, though, you’re likely to be extra sensitive since you already have more blood flowing through your body all the time.

This means that you’ll likely find it much easier to climax and your orgasms may even last significantly longer than usual. Many women also happily report that they enjoy multiple orgasms during pregnancy, so get ready!

And for those of you who typically don’t climax during intercourse, you may orgasm for the first time during pregnancy!

What About those Cramps?

If you have been having regular intercourse throughout your pregnancy, you may have been noticing some peculiar abdominal cramps after orgasm. This is nothing to worry about.

Cramping after climaxing is normal and is experienced by most pregnant women, particularly in the third trimester of pregnancy.

These cramps are actually the same muscle contractions that you felt during orgasms before pregnancy. These cramps now feel stronger because your uterus has grown in size and because of the release of the hormone oxytocin. These contractions can last anywhere between thirty minutes and one hour.

Table of Contents
1. Female Orgasm
2. Afraid of the big 'O'?
3. Orgasms and labor
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