Why am I Snoring?

There has long been debate over why pregnant women suffer from snoring during pregnancy. A study performed at the University of Edinburgh has revealed at least one cause for pregnancy-related snoring.

It appears that, during pregnancy, a woman’s upper airways become increasingly restricted. As you gain weight during pregnancy, some of this fat is stored around the throat and neck. This soft tissue collects around the upper airways, causing it to narrow. This creates an obstruction in your airway, contributing to snoring.

Other pregnancy-related issues also seem to trigger snoring in pregnant women. Throughout your pregnancy, your body has an increased blood flow. This increased blood flow helps to nourish you and your growing baby.

However, it also causes blood vessels in your body to expand. As the blood vessels in your nose and throat expand, mucous membranes in the area begin to swell, too. As a result, your body produces more mucous in these areas, making it difficult to breathe without obstruction.

Is Snoring During Pregnancy Dangerous?

There is some evidence to suggest that snoring during pregnancy can increase your likelihood of developing certain pregnancy-related complications.

A Swedish study found a link between pregnancy-related snoring and hypertension. It also noted possible complications in babies who were born to mother’s who snored.

The study involved 500 pregnant women and their partners. The participants were asked to rate their snoring levels on a questionnaire, before and after giving birth.

These levels were then correlated with the incidence of certain pregnancy-related complications within the group. Additionally, upon delivery, the result of their baby’s Apgar tests were also recorded.

The study found a distinct correlation between those women who ranked themselves as habitual snorers (snoring almost every day) and pregnancy-related complications.

In particular, 14% of the habitual snorers reported suffering from pregnancy-inducedhypertension, while 10% reported cases of preeclampsia. Habitual snorers were also more likely to have babies that scored seven or less on their Apgar tests.

Is It Sleep Apnea?

Some pregnant women find that they suffer from severe snoring throughout the night. You may even notice that this snoring actually wakes you up from a sound sleep. If you are experiencing these symptoms you may actually be suffering from a condition known as sleep apnea.

Table of Contents
1. Snoring In Pregnancy
2. Why am I snoring?
3. Snoring In Pregnancy2
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