Potty Training 

Potty training is a significant stage in the development of your child. Parents need to be patient and positive for the training to be a success. There are important factors to consider before subjecting a toddler to training, such as his age and readiness, as well as the parents' knowledge to properly conduct potty training. Read on for the most useful potty training tips to effectively potty train your toddler.

It's all in the timing: Introduce potty training at the right time

A key to successful potty training is to commence it at the right time. Early learning may start when the child is as young as eighteen months, up to three years old. However, age is not the single basis for a toddler's readiness to use the potty. Other signs include the development of regular daily bowel schedule, a growing curiosity for the bathroom and its purpose, consciousness of the difference between wet and dry pants, and desire to imitate grown ups. Potty training, Dr. Phil explains, should start when a child can follow simple instructions.

However, potty training should be commenced when the toddler is in a peaceful and calm state. Do not start the training during a stressful time in the toddler's life, such as during a recent death in the family, transfer to a new home and community, sickness, or divorce of parents. This will prevent potty training regression and other toilet problems from happening.

Get propped up: Maximize the use of training materials

When you are sure that your toddler is ready to be potty trained, get all the necessary props to aid in training. Purchase a potty chair and training pants, which are available in any children's store. Training pants come in various designs and thickness. Potty training boys' pants come in themed prints such as super heroes, cartoon characters and sports. There are disposable training pants and cotton training pants. The former is convenient to discard, however, it may take a longer time for toddlers to feel wetness and discomfort when wearing disposable pants. Cotton training pants lets toddlers feel the dampness immediately, making it easier for parents to train them. Make use of a potty training chart that serves as a visual guide and representation of the toddler's progress in the potty training.

Casual Positivism gets the job done: Explain potty training as a natural part of growing up

Toddlers are at a stage of exploration and having fun. Giving them anything too serious might put them off. Introduce early potty training in the most casual way possible. Start by explaining to the toddlers that the use of the potty is perfectly normal.

One effective way to do this is using a game to introduce potty training. Toddlers are inquisitive of their bodies, from the names of the parts to their functions. Start with naming the basic parts and functions of organs such as the eyes, nose and ears. Take the game to the next level by going to the bottom part of the body. There are children's books about potty training complete with pictures and images that you can show your toddler. You may also show a potty training video to explain these parts and their functions, and make the toddler easily understand the purpose of the training.

Potty schedule: Integrate potty training into the toddler's routine

Using a potty training chart, build a schedule for the potty training. Start by introducing potty use once a day, preferably in the morning or during bath time. Develop this into a ritual and gradually increase the number of visits. Do not impose deadlines on potty training, Dr. Phil suggests.

Potty training tips: Load up on tips and guides on successful training

There are numerous materials that you can avail to help you conduct a successful potty training. Potty training tips are widely available online. You will need specific help in cases of potty training regression and other bathroom problems.

Parents must understand that it's normal for toddlers to back out of the training at some point, and asks to go back to wearing diapers. This is a positive sign that the toddler is getting conscious of his capabilities. This also signals parents to enter the picture by introducing positive reinforcement on the use of the potty. Study a potty training video available in online resources such as ParentDish and PottyTrainingConcepts, and apply it to your child's potty training.

Potty Training regression: Confront problems head on

There are several possible causes of potty training problems. They may be due to negative reaction of parents to slips during the training, and other common bathroom fears such as burning bowel movement, fear of getting dirty, or fear of the sound of the flush. These problems can be remedied by constant guidance. However, there are cases that during potty training boys become aggressive and violent. This case should be referred to professionals for appropriate action.

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