Am I Pregnant?

If you suspect that you might be pregnant, consider taking a home pregnancy test

right away. Learn about when you can take these home tests, the advantages and disadvantages to these tests and about how accurate these test are. But how can they determine that you’re pregnant? HCG Levels in Pregnancy can help you understand more about the hormones these pregnancy tests are looking for.  Learn more about how a home pregnancy test works about when is the best time for you to take one.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you’re actually pregnant or just experiencing a flu or PMS. To help you distinguish between being pregnant and just thinking that maybe, possibly, you might be pregnant, take a look at our signs of pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms sections or try our on-line pregnancy test. If you're still not sure but you have a pet, then take a cue from them. As Sensing Pregnancy explains, pets are often intuitive when it comes to pregnancy.  Some common early pregnancy symptoms might be morning sickness, tender breasts, frequent urination, tiredness, moodiness, and food cravings.  If you have any of these symptoms you might want to think about taking a home pregnancy test.

If you are in fact pregnant and are experiencing morning sickness, you might want to think about something more enjoyable than your present condition.  Have some fun by reading Boy or Girl – Myths and Facts.  It really take your mind off your morning sickness to read about all the different ways you can determine the sex of your baby. And despite the bad reputation that the pregnancy experience gets, there are many positive benefits of pregnancy.  Learn more about all of the good things about being pregnant and find out why so many women love this time in their lives.  Of course, nothing will compare to the joy you will feel when your pregnancy is over and you finally get to meet your new baby.

Pregnancy Due-Date

If you really can’t wait for your little bundle of joy to come along, then learn about the different methods that are used to calculate your due date.  Find out when to expect your new baby so that you can start planning and preparing for his or her arrival.  Getting all of the baby stuff and preparing the nursery is part of the fun of pregnancy.  Find out how long you have to enjoy this experience. 


Please note: If you have been sexually active and experience any pregnancy symptoms, the American Pregnancy Association recommends testing for pregnancy.

If you are pregnant you can learn more about doulas, midwives, birth centers and other pregnancy related information by visiting the American Pregnancy Association.

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Hey everyone I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if someone could help me.......I came off the birth control patch and my period was regular then i missed the next month but it came early the following month. The month after that I am now 2 days late. During those months i have experienced a little fatigue, irritability, sore breast, nausea and frequent urination, they are more prominent now. I took 2 pregnancy test and they both came out negative. Now I have alot of cramps but no period. Can someone advise me on what to do please!!!!
12 years ago
My last period was sept 15 and have missed my period in oct but im irregular but have been regular for the past three months. Recently I have been tired, nauseous, and spotting, No tender breasts and my stomach doesnt feel hard but it does feel slightly heavy. A couple of days ago i had a large amount of white discharge then it went to yellowish then to spotting it looks as if I had finished my period. My lower back has been hurting and i feel sore like I have been working out and sometimes i will not want to eat at all then all of a sudden ill want to eat everything. I have no money for the doctor unless i know for sure and im scared I need some advice to help me know if i might be pregnant or it could be something other then that. Please help.
13 years ago
Hi! all i'm new in this forum, i need some input i am 31yrs old never been pregnat lastt monday i went to a gynae for review as he put me on 50mg of clomid with no success then he increased the doses to 100mg,but know to my suprise i am having brown spotting itt feels like my periods are on their way with some minor cramps on my abdomen,i suppose to be on periods on the 02/11/11 i have never had brown spotting before should i get worried?
13 years ago
The first day of my last period was September 18th. I had unprotected sex October 6th. My period was due yesterday but nothing..... I have had some cramps and it feels like its coming, i have also been urinating often and been really mood and tired. Is there a chance i could have conceived?
13 years ago
Hi, I'm new here. My fiancé and I aren't really trying to conceive, but we're not not trying, if that makes any sense. I've been told my a whole group of doctors that I will never be able to get pregnant. They told me I had PCOS and would never be able to conceive. Last month our anniversary happened to fall on my most fertile day and we had sex. My period was due on October 5th and I've had nothing. It is now 4:23am October 14th. I woke up around 3:45am with pains in my lower abdomen. Not sharp pains, dull pains, but it still hurt like crazy. I took 2 hpt 3 days apart last week after my missed period but both were negative. I'm so confused about all this. This has only happened to me one other time, back in November of 2008 when I was with my now ex-husband. I had no pains or anything that time and in December my period came.
13 years ago