Morning sickness
Although everyone talks about it, morning sickness only affects about 50% of women at some time during their pregnancy. Often, it may be the first sign that you are pregnant, but usually morning sickness won't hit you until about a month after conception. Some women are sick all day while others just sick at night. The symptoms may vary form mild queasiness to vomiting. Typically, morning sickness tends to peak around eight to ten weeks, when your hormone levels are highest, and then will taper off as you begin your second trimester. A rare form of morning sickness known as hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition of uncontrollable nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that results in dehydration and acidosis. Using specially formatted CD's can help curb your nausea discomfort.

Breast soreness
As is common during your periods, breasts become extra sensitive during your pregnancy. This is caused by increasing levels of hormones that accompany pregnancy. These same hormones are present during your period but to a lesser degree, which is why you may also experience tender, swollen breasts during your period. This feeling typically diminishes significantly after the first trimester and goes away after the second trimester of your pregnancy.

Due to the changes in your body, headaches are a common symptom of pregnancy. However, headaches alone are not a reliable sign of pregnancy since many other conditions exist that may cause headaches. A new headache should always be evaluated by your health care practitioner.

Bloating is present both in pregnancy and prior to your period. It may be present immediately or within a few weeks.

Vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge with itching or burning may be a sign of an infection or a sexually transmitted disease. However, without itching or burning, a discharge may be present during pregnancy. This is due to the build up of mucous that is occurring in the cervix to create a plug in order to shield your developing baby from infections and other harmful things.

Changes in the hormones in your body, especially increased progesterone levels, may cause you to feel tired or even completely exhausted. Further, the extra effort that your body is exerting when starting to make and nurture a baby will magnify your fatigue. Once you hit your second trimester, your normal energy levels should return.

Bleeding or spotting
Some women experience a small amount of red, pink or reddish brown spotting. This is a normal sign and indicates that the fertilized egg is beginning to burrow into the lining of your uterus about six days after fertilization. However, if you also experience pain along with pregnany spotting or bleeding, call your doctor immediately as this can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Increased sensitivity to odors and foods
It is not uncommon to be overwhelmed by certain smells that you liked before or find that certain foods are now completely repulsive to you. Both of these signs may be a side effect of rapidly increasing estrogen in your system and may come and go or last throughout your pregnancy.

Frequent urination
With pregnancy, your body increases the amount of blood and other fluids which leads to extra fluid being filtered by your kidneys and ending up in your bladder. The result is that you may find yourself going to the bathroom at a much higher frequency than before. This may start as early as six weeks into your first trimester and remain or even get worse throughout your pregnancy.

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