Wooden Toys
Wooden Toys Encore
Everything goes full circle at some point. It appears that wooden toys are doing that now, especially since so many plastic toys have been recalled lately. Parents want to buy toys that are safe for their children and are making their preferences known. In response, several companies that have been making wooden toys for children are rising to the top with both classic wooden toys for children as well as educational toys for children, also from wood. Their high quality products are made with lead-free finishes that won't hurt children and the toys are age appropriate wooden baby toys and toddler toys.
Some Great Wooden Toy Makers
European toys for children have always been known to be top class, well made and reliable. That is as true today as ever. Haba, the German company known for its high quality wooden toys, create attractive, durable, eco-friendly toys for kids. Everything from wooden infant teething rings to play food and string beads are within the scope of this fine company. Their toys can be found in most quality toy stores and centers where good toys are found.
Melissa & Doug have been in business for more than 20 years and have a proven record of top-notch children's toys that are safe, non-toxic, age-appropriate and made of wood. Their toys can be found in any major retail store or online. Choose from wooden blocks for children and babies, doll houses, musical instruments and shape sorters, just to name a few of the educational toys children will enjoy from this company.
Toys Kids Love
There are toys children naturally gravitate toward. Wagons, trains, and things with wheels seem to draw boys like a magnet. Building blocks and wooden puzzles intrigue children and expand their creativity. Junior architects thrive on stacking solid, wooden blocks to make towers, bridges, and airplanes. Wooden toys are sturdy, dependable, and don't have batteries, blinking lights, and wires that can prove dangerous to little people.
Handmade Toys - A Gift of Love
If either you or someone you know loves to work with wood, there is a place on the internet where plans for a huge variety of wooden toys can be purchased. The toys are beautiful, from cradles to doll houses, trains to wagons, and much more. The patterns to make wooden toys for your children, or your children's children are within reach. Check out woodentoyplans.com to see the incredible wooden toys you can build with you own two hands. Some little person in your world will have a treasure that is theirs alone. Handmade toys, made with love by someone dear, live on for generations. Whether it's a sock monkey made by Grandma or a rocking chair made by Grandpa, the toy will be treasured for many years to come.
Pastel Toys, made in Israel by special needs adults in a facility that produces wooden toys, are made by hand, finished by hand, and they are a gorgeous addition to any child's wooden toy chest. Not only will you get a beautiful toy, but you will be helping residents of this facility with their work and rehabilitation programs. Doll houses, wooden trucks, and many other wonderful wooden toys await at Pastel Toys.
If you're looking for larger wooden toys, like play kitchens, castles and doll houses, and play lofts, then Guidecraft is a producer to consider. The toys are tough and sturdy, the colors happy and energetic, a treat for the eyes. Guidecraft not only makes big wooden toys, they also make wooden blocks, and smaller wooden toys that are suitable for babies, toddlers and older children as well.
There is nothing like toys made from wood. These natural toys make children happy, they are sturdy and dependable, and bear the proof of time. Wood toys are here to stay.
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