Advantages to Nursing When Ill

Actually, when you think about it, nursing when you're not well makes it a lot easier to get some much needed rest. You just tuck the baby into bed with you, nurse, and then have someone take the baby, burp, change, and put him to bed.

Unless you are devastatingly ill, weaning is not a good idea, especially if you are sick. There are several factors that enter into the equation: the risk of mastitis and/or engorgement and the emotional trauma to both you and your baby that results from sudden weaning. The sickness won't last forever - hang in there.

Different Illnesses and What to Do

Be sure to drink lots of liquids when you're ill - especially if you have a fever. Dehydration will limit your milk supply very quickly. Staying well hydrated helps to keep the milk flowing.

Breastfeeding and fever

One of the biggest concerns for moms who are nursing is the effect of fever on breastfeeding. The important factor here is that you call your healthcare provider if you've developed a fever in the first few weeks after giving birth.

It could signal an infection or complication that resulted from the birth. Otherwise, taking ibuprophen or acetaminophen to deal with fever is totally fine.

If you have vomiting and diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea can also cause dehydration if they get out of control. The most important thing for you, as a nursing mother, is to avoid dehydration - it will definitely affect your milk supply.

If you are vomiting or have diarrhea that is uncontrollable, get in touch with your caregiver right away.

Have a cough?

Coughing is common, especially if you have a cold or the flu. Even though these illnesses are highly contagious, it is no reason to stop nursing. Don't cough on the baby if you can help it (nursing or not), and talk to your healthcare provider about any medications you are going to take.

What About Medications?

Every over-the-counter drug that is sold in the US (and most other countries) comes with a pamphlet outlining every single contraindication that can possibly be thought of - whether it has been documented or not.

The pharmaceutical companies are definitely in the business of educating, especially since a law suit can be a costly endeavor. If an OTC has been approved for nursing mothers, you can be well assured it has been rigorously tested and is, indeed, safe.

Remember how important breastfeeding is to you and your baby. Don't lose sight of that aspect and, even if you have to wean your baby for a short time, you can resume breastfeeding. If your caregiver isn't onside with you - find one who is.

There are some incredible aspects to breast milk we bet you haven't ever thought of ... check them out here.

Table of Contents
1. Sick While Breastfeeding
2. Should I stop nursing?
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