Compression stockings by doctor's orders

Compression stockings are recognized as a medically accepted device. Therefore, many insurance companies will cover the cost of the stockings as long as you have a doctor's prescription.

Although support hose are a much cheaper and more convenient form of treatment compared to surgery for varicose veins, they are typically much more expensive than regular pantyhose. Depending on the strength and style of hose you buy, prices can range anywhere from $30 to more than $100.

While you may think it is silly to get a prescription for pantyhose, if your leg problems are particularly bad, you will need to have a prescription to get the stockings in the first place. Only stockings with the lowest compression ratio are available without a prescription.

Getting it right

Once you have your doctor's note, you will need to get fitted to make sure the support hose you buy is the right size. Wearing an ill-fitting stocking can result in exacerbating the problem.

If you are buying your compression hosiery on-line, then you can do the measurement yourself. Most sites will have a size chart and guide to measuring your ankle, calf and thigh to make sure you have the right fit.

Compression stockings are not meant to be worn to bed. However, it's a good idea to keep them on your nightstand since they need to be put on first thing in the morning when you wake up, before you even get out of bed.

Although support hose are meant to help your circulation, improper use can cut off your circulation and lead to further complications.

If you notice any swelling in your leg or foot below the lowest point of the stocking, remove the stocking and report the swelling to your health care provider.


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Table of Contents
1. Compression Stockings in Pregnancy
2. How to get the right fit
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