Can My Boss Do That

6 Replies
mary - December 1

I have been a full time employee ( 40 hours a week) since the day I was hired. As soon as I told my boss that I was pregnant he cut my hours to 18 hours a week.


Katie - December 6

I had the same thing happen. I have been working at the same place full time for six years. I had really bad morning sickness and was calling off of work 1-3 times a week. I had used very few sick days in the time that I have worked there so I had about 30 days. When I finally started getting better, he cut my hours in half. I was very upset because my husband also works, but works three part time jobs and doesn't get insurance. I have to work 32 hours a week to have insurance. I told my manager if he didn't give me more hours, I was going to call HR. I got my hours back really quick because that is a form of discrimination. They can't take away your hours because you are expecting. I hope everything works out for you. Remember, you have rights.


Dee - December 7

sounds like discrimination to me. Talk to a lawyer.


Heather - December 9

I work in a shop and have the opposite problem. I am six months preganant and have a 3 year old and only work 16 hours a week but over the xmas period i am expected to work in excess of 25 hours a week which I do not want to do, how do I say no to my boss without sounding like I am a whinger.


Crystal - March 6

No, legally your boss can not decrease you hours or you salary. This is a form of discrimination. Good Luck!


Leya - May 6

Dee's right...your boss can't do that!


NickieDo - May 9

Contact the EEOC! I have a pending case with them over my former employer (the day I told him I was preg he DROPPED my insurance w/o telling me!)



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