Should I Continue Working

4 Replies
Ange - April 19

I am about 11 weeks pregnant and I work as a cashier. That means standing up for long hours. I get extremely tired, extremely sharp pains, and what makes it work is that I'm having trouble eating. Instead of gaining weight, I've lost weight. Working has become a nightmare. I really don't know if I should keep on working for a couple of more months or if I should listen to my body.


Jenn... - April 21

I think you should talk to your boss. Maybe there is another position they can a__sign you to, or maybe you can get a stool to sit on behind your register when there are no customers in line. And they have to give you munch breaks!


Katie - April 25

I'm also a full time cashier. At the begining of my pregnancy, it was really hard. I had very bad morning (all day) sickness and some of the customers really made it hard for me to keep from getting sick. I had to call off of work at least once a week. I had a lot of sick time built up so there was nothing much my boss could say. I'm now 36 weeks pregnant and still working and plan to work up until it's time to have my little man. You have to do what you have to do. You know your body. Good Luck!


Jbear - May 3

I was in the same situation as you. I was standing for 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, with no lunch breaks. I got my doctor to write me a note when I was 12 weeks, saying I needed to be allowed to take a 15 minute break every 4 hours. I was still way too tired, and by the time I reached 20 weeks, I was so exhausted that I was crying every day when I had to go to work. I was also having Braxton-hicks contractions already. I talked to my doctor, and he wrote me a note saying I could not work more than 6 hours a day. I've felt a hundred times better since I started working the shorter hours. My manager was not very happy about my having to work shorter hours, but I had a doctor's note, so there was nothing she could do. I worked full time during my first pregnancy until the day I went into the hospital to have my daughter, and she was born at 36 weeks and had to stay in NICU for 2 weeks because she was small. I'm determined not to push myself so hard during this pregnancy, and I'm fortunate enough to have a sympathetic doctor. My husband is willing to get a second job, so if I reach the point where I'm too uncomfortable to work, I'll be able to stop.


LC - May 5

Keep in mind that for most people the first trimester is the worst. I've just pa__sed into my second and the symptoms have mostly gone away. So you might have a few more good months left as nausea and tiredness get better. That said, the stool idea sounds like a good one.



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