How Much Time Should I Take Off?

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Tpap - April 30

My wife and I are expecting our first child this June and we are both very excited. As we are making preparations I'm finding that I am struggling with the decision with how much FMLA I should take because of possible retaliation from boss/coworkers. I am aware that it is my legal right to take up to 12 unpaid weeks, but the truth of the matter is it could possibly change my work relationships. My boss is not in the same financial situation as I am and he only took two weeks of vacation, and I have a co-worker who already made a wisecrack about needing only one day and then back to work. I have read many articles on the importance of bonding and how important it is to take the time to support your spouse during recovery and I want to make sure to provide that support. My question is how much time did your husbands take off, how many of you wish they took off more time, and how many of your husbands wished they took off more time?


I appreciate any feedback available.



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