Offered A Job Trying For Second Baby
1 Replies
Hello Ladies- I was offered a job, but I feel really stressed about taking it due to my husband and I trying for second baby now. I have been home for over a year (16 months) with my ds and have done some very part time jobs on the side. This one would involve a little more of my time 3 days a week with my family 's help for daycare. Not a bad situation- I know I'm pretty lucky. Would it be weird to start a new job with possible morning sickness during the first couple months maybe?? I know it may take a while to conceive, but our first was pretty quick- 1 month. I know it's different each time though. Right now, I am ready to start working again, but feeling really stressed about terrible morning sickness and having to be professional. I struggled with morning sickness pretty bad with my first. OH- what us women have to go through! Any advice would help! Thanks.
I know exactly how you feel. My first two pregnancies I had horrible morning sickness and ended up having to quit my jobs both times. I am starting a job on monday and my man and I have decided to start trying. I guess when it comes down to it you have to do what feels right. For me the benefits of having a job far outweight the worry of morning sickness. Plus, depending on who your employer is (mine is a hospital so they tend to be understanding), they might be a little lenient. Until you do conceive, work your b___t off and show them how great of a work ethic you have. If you work hard and are dedicated, they might be a little lenient and understanding about the potential morning sickness problems you may encounter...Sending some baby dust your way :)