Fulltime Breastfeeding And Pregnant Again

2 Replies
cyclonejojo - October 8

I am br___tfeeding my 7 mths old and am about 5 wks pregnant again, can i keep feeding my little one throughout this pregnancy safely?


Kristin72 - October 9

yes!!!sometimes your milk supply can go down or the taste can change. but many women including myself b___stfed while pregnant!!! btw..congrats!!!


potter-nut - November 3

i was bf my 8-month old and became pregnant. i researched like crazy and found that it IS safe to still bf during pregnancy; you need to take extra care to eat whenever you are hungry though, and get extra fluids and rest. good luck to you! i ended up m/c at 5 weeks due to plain bad luck, but am trying to get pg again soon (and i still plan to continue bf-ing!). the la leche league's website had some good info on it. you might want to check it out.



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