Hello, I think this is the right area to put this. Anyways I'm about to have my 3rd C-section on April 26th, though I am warned the baby will probably be early since he is on the larger side (5lbs 4oz at 31 wks), and I've had some signs of it possibly happening. Onto my question, I don't know how many people have had the tubes tied at the same time they had a c-section, but I wanted an opinion on doing it. I know it will make the whole thing last longer but I wonder if it would hurt more or make any difference in recovery? I'm still deciding either way since I'm only 25 but I do have reasons I'm leaning torwards it. My husband is 30 (31 this year) and has a really bad knee and shoulder so he has trouble playing with the kids we already have. We also had to move to a bigger place and buy a new car for the new one on the way which hurt our bank quite a bit. I just think it may be for the best so my kids can all get the proper attention they need and I wouldn't plan for another another(though my son I'm pregnant with now was not planned lol) til I'm about 30 (so he would be 36), and it may just be better to do it now while I am young and healthy. Sorry if this is very confusing lol I'm horrible at typing out what I'm thinking. Any opinions or advice is very much welcome. Thank you in advance ^^