C Section Recovery Kit

2 Replies
snappy - January 3

Hi, Just wondering - has anyone here used the AbdoMend™ Deluxe C Section Recovery Kit? I am having a C section in February and I was thinking of getting this kit. If anyone can offer some feed back I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I am wondering if there are other belly support belts that you would recommend? Thank you ladies.


tummy tamer - January 4

Hi-I had a friend use it and she loved it! The belts are soft but supportive, there is a ma__sage guide for a better scar, and a brush for the ingrown hairs that happen since they cut into the hairline. She said it really reduced her pain and she could feed baby and get out of bed without so many drugs.One belt she wore during her last month and it helped with the back pain. She wore that belt later when she got going doing her stuff, like driving and cleaning. Her scar looks great,her tummy went down faster and she was really happy! good luck and please do wear a support to reduce pain, scar, and stress from the c section. Not wearing some support binder is crazy after the surgery since the tummy got so big from the baby and they cut it open- everyone should get one.


csmom - August 6

Having a c-section without a tummy binder is tough. Women who use them swear by them. Regretfully I didn't have one when I had my c-sections because no one told me about them. I do however write about them and encourage using one. Last year my sister had abdominal surgery, not a c-section but abdominal surgery just the same. I got her one and she's still thanking me.



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