C Section 3 Days Ago

2 Replies
.. - January 28

I had a c section Tuesday. I got out of the hospital yesterday. I had 12 staples that were removed the day I went home, How should I be feeling? Is it normal for the incision to leak a little? Im also really sore - I want to take a shower but Im a little scared to. Any advice is greatly appreciated


Jodie Vagedes - January 28

Hello. I just had a c-section on the 18th and also had staples. My incision didn't leak but it is still defenitly a little sore and tender. My doctor tells me taking a shower is good for the healing process and I have taken a shower everyday since mine and it is still fine. I have been taking Ibprohen that that the doc. prescribed when my pain is a little too much. Good Luck!


Patience - February 4

I had a c-section on the 18th. Mine leaked just a little at first. The doctor told me that if it continued I needed to call the office. As for being sore I am still sore a tad. But it is much more manageable than before. You will be amazed how much better you will feel after showering. It won't hurt you. Hang in there!!



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