Will I Be Able To Feel This Baby
3 Replies
I had a c-section almost 4 years ago. Am now pregnant with number three, and am wondering if I will be able to feel the baby as early as I did with the previous one?
I'm 18 weeks pregnant, after a c-section three years ago, and I only just felt the baby move. I think some of it is due to residual numbness around the incision, but most of it is because of how much busier I am chasing a three year old around. I haven't had time to sit still and concentrate on feeling the baby move.
Im on my 3rd. c~section and everytime I have felt my baby move later on during pregnancy. Im almost 22 weeks and I just started feeling my baby move at 21 weeks.Im still numb after my 1st c~section I had 10 years ago. Is that normal or not normal to still have numbness after all these years?
I have had 5 c-sections. The numbnees never goes away. My doc. said it's b/c the nerve endings do not all mend.