Bowel Movements And Straining Incision
6 Replies
how can you go have a bowel movement comfortably after a c-section? how can you go without straining the incision? any tips?
| KM - December 12 |
just hold a pillow against it when you go,same as when you cough, sneeze, etc. I dont know about others but i had no pain in my incision when going to the bathroom.
| ash - December 18 |
I am having trouble having a bowel movement due to constipation. What can I do for relief
may i please say one thing real important hot tea hot tea hot tea
its the real jewel to make it happen!
| sc - January 14 |
i took a laxative, it still hurt like hell, but without it, i think it would have been far worse. . . .(for me anyways)
Stool softener is an awesome thing!
Yes hot tea really makes you go! Especially if it has 2-3 tsp. of sugar in it!