I had an emergency c-section 3.5 months ago to a beautiful baby girl. She was in the NICU for five weeks, and I ended up being in the hospital for two weeks due to complications with my incision. After a series of high fevers, high blood pressure, my incision popping wide open after the staples were removed, blood gushing out of it, a series of different techinques to "pack the wound", a second surgery to clean up the incision site, and a staph infection I finally got to go home (after which I had to report to the wound care center daily to get the wound packed). I am still experiencing pain in my incision. It will be horribly painful and puffy (like there's a hard lump in there or something, and swollen around it) in one spot (right middle or left) for a day or so and I'll wake up to pain in another spot. The pain will literally keep me awake for hours at night. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Is this normal?