C Section Worried

2 Replies
zslittleone - October 30

I had a c section almost 3 weeks ago. I am not bleeding or oozing from the incision but still experience pain where the incision is. It feels internal. I'm not sure but should I worry about this or am I getting myself freaked out.


helenmoore - November 11

The discomfort from your incision should subside day by day. Make sure you are taking care of yourself – not lifting heavy objects, not tiring yourself out. You need to give yourself a good 6 to 8 weeks for c-section recovery. This recovery period is needed for inner tissues and muscles to heal. If it is not getting better I would see a doctor.


csmom - November 14

Try not to worry, sometimes the pain can take a few weeks longer in some women. Sometimes there are tissues that take awhile to heal and they can cause some pain. Just be sure you're not experiencing a fever, extensive bleeding or that the pain doesn't get worse as each day goes by.



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