Can I Have A C Section

10 Replies
leah - September 7

hi im 16 years old and live in london i have just found out im preg i cant take no pain im terified of givin birth and its makin me think i dnt want it but i no i do can i choose to have a c section plz get back


KAT - July 13



Tammy - August 31

Where I live, you can request a c-section. It is a woman's choice.


Pam - September 1

Tammy, can you tell me where you can request a c-section?


Missy - September 3

Your recovery for a c-section takes alot longer and is more painful than a v____al. If you request an epidural than you won't be able to feel anything down there anyways, if I was you I would do some research on c-section vs the v____al delivery, everyon who has had a c-section and a v____al birth will tell you to go with the v____al. Talk to someone who has experienced both or one.


Robin - September 7

I have done them both and no doubt about it the v____al delivery is so much better. A cesarean section is a major abdominal surgery and the pain of recovery is far more than labor and delivery. Medications and epidurals can be very successful at controlling pain in labor and delivery. You are up and doing just about everything within a short time after a v____al delivery. It will be months after a cesearean section before you can do anything strenuous


Michele - September 15

I think you have a lot to think about before starting worrying about labor. A c/s is MAJOR surgery with all the risks of sugery. Labor is a natural process that your body is made to go thru. You can discuss all of the different pain relief medications/options with your doctor. THe pain from a c/s far will last for weeks. Labor will NOT. Think of the beauty of bringing your child into this World, not the pain of doing so.


hi everyone - October 28

i had a c section with my last daughter and would not recommend unless it was a emergency or the baby is lying the wrong way round. i can not tolerate pain either but the epidural is fantastic in normal childbirth you feel no pain at all. when you have a normal delivery you can care for the baby straight away, if you have a section you are limited to what you can do for your baby which is not a good feeling seeing people care for your baby when you should be doing it, also when you come out of hospital you cant even take your baby out in the pram because you are not allowed to push a pram so you cant even show your baby off straight away unless you get someone else to push the pram for you. i do hope after reading this you will change your mind about c sections and opt for a normal delivery.


Lianne - October 29

Hi Kat, dont worry about labour, if your not good with pain opt for a spinal block, you wont feel a thing other than the first needle and it aint that bad, goog luck


Jackie - January 31

As far as I know, we're not able to choose whether or not to have a c-section. It's only done in emergency situations. Our bodies were made for v____al delivery, so I'm sure that's how most doctors prefer to deliver anyway. Be glad we have the technology to help minimize pain...and think of all the women hundreds of years ago who have given birth WITHOUT drugs or surgery - especially the ones with a breech baby! Ouch! You'll be fine.


KM - January 31

I had a c-section after 13 hrs of natural labour (not my choice) and 4 hrs of pushing. I personally, would rather a recovery was fairly easy. I was walking the day after. i only stayed in the hospital for three nights, and the day after I was home I had my baby out in the stroller..I really didnt find it bad at all. However, here I know you cannot opt for them unless you have already had one.I kind of think there are disadvantages of delivering either way.I just figure, with a c-section you only have a sore tummy.with v____al, I got black eyes,pulled muscles everywhere in my back,hemrhoids,Back labour, And i am so thankful I didnt have any tares,an episiotomy or st_tches. If you are fortunate ,unlike myself, there will be an anthestisiologist available to administer an epidural while you are labouring. You wont feel any pain. They are great. When they gave me mine before my surgery it was instant relief. Dont think about the pain, it only hurts for the moment, and after you dont even remember it, and you know that you would do it all again for your baby in a heartbeat.



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