What Are The Implications For Unethical Use

3 Replies
Jane - February 28

I have just started researching the options of storing or donating my baby's cord blood. I have some reservations about a private company having access to my and Dh's DNA information. I don't intend to sound like a conspiracy theorists, but it's hard not to think of historical applications of widespread fear used to manipulate people into handing over private information. Don't get me wrong. I think medical research is vital to the advancement of medicine. I just don't feel right about the race to clone humans, special-order characteristics for IVF and other morally questionable experimentation. Did anyone else get any red flags when researching blood cord options available?


beth - March 24

If you donate or privately bank, you aren't giving your cord blood to be used as research material but to be frozen in case you need it or someone needs it down the road. Unless you give it to a hospital or company for research purposes than research will be done...otherwise it's just storage. On a side note, we privately banked.


CLM - August 1

I was attempting to learn more about donation (until I was told it could cost), but in the back of my mind I was worried about unethical use. How would you ever know? I think it's unlikely, but funny it crossed your mind too.


Katharine - September 8

I thought some of the same things, but after researching the cord donation research hospital's literature, I felt comfortable with the possible uses. It also seemed like a way that I could contribute to science, even though I am againt certain types of stem cell research.



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