Borderline Gestational Diabetes
1 Replies
I am 34 pregnant-I was determined to be borderline gestational diabetes about 1 month and 1/2 ago. My doctor simply told me to restrict my "carbs". I spoke with a diabetic nurse educator (on my own) who happens to be a friend of mine and she sent me a diabetic menu to follow. I am finding it to be very difficult. I am craving sweets like crazy. There are so many conflicting views on artificial sweeteners that I am hesitant to even use them. Does anyone else have this issue-or any suggestions on how to curtail the sweet cravings? I have a small serving of fruit with lunch and dinner which helps a little with the sweet cravings. (of course I really want cookies, ice cream, candy, etc.!!!!)
| T - August 29 |
Why don't you try the ice cream with Splenda, should work for the craving.