I just found out im pregnant about a week ago which is weird because i wntd to get a blood test but the doctor did a urin test and said blood test wsnt neccisry i was pregnant if it was me id go for blood test that second but my husband was getting annoyed with me so i ddecided to skip it and accept there word i guess im too scared to get too excited and then tell me your not pregnant ...im about six weeks pregnant adn i gained so mcuh weith the last time i remember weithing this much was abou two years ago non of my jeans fit and iguess ever since i found out i was pregnant i kept eating because usully i eat snacks and thats all but now its acully meals because i dont care iwnt my baby healthy but im so stressed i gained weitght and alre3ady starting to feel depresed and crying i dont knowif im going crazy im trying not to eat as much but my body got use to it help advice pleae and im only 18 so stress about school buying house work is driving me nuts.....advice please...ps im tying to do little mini work outs and trying to stnd on my feet at work instead of my butt.............help
quick note....if you stress out too much about things, you'll cause your baby to suffer. i'm 27 and my baby has fluid around her heart due to my stress. the doctor told me that because i'm stressing it's causing my baby's blood flow to be constricted. i worried about gaining weight too because with my first pregnancy i gained 55 pounds. after the doctor told me that my baby was suffering, it really changed my point of view and gaining weight and household issues didn't seem to matter as much. just be careful and try to focus on what's most important...YOUR BABY!