is blue cheese dressing safe to eat while pregnant?
I've heard that BC dressing that you buy at the store is fine. If you are out eating at an authentic restaurant be sure to ask if the cheese in the dressing is pasturized.
I would like to know if it affects the fetus from the mold agent or the blue dye?
I would also like to know whay a pregnant woman should not eat it while pregnant.
You shouldn't eat any blue cheese or soft cheese because of the risk of lysteria. I have heard that blue cheese that has been made from pasteurixed milk & milk products is o.k... but I've also heard that it isn't. If you must have blue cheese dressing, I would stick witht he bottled kind from the store, not the kind that has to be refridgerated as that usually contains real blue cheese. But the stuff on the shelf usually contains very small amounts of real blue cheese and more blue cheese flavoring than anything else.
yep as long as it's pasteurized! I dip my hot wings in it. YUMMY!!
Actually, any cheese in the United States is fine to eat because FDA regulations stipulate that no cheese produced in the US may be unpastureized. Therefore, there is really very little risk to you, or baby, eating domestic cheeses of any kind. However, you are able to buy non-pasturized cheeses from Europe that CAN harm you and baby, but you have to make a concerted effort to purchase such cheeses.
Any cheese that is made in the U.S. is fine to eat. My grocery store carries lots of imported cheese and it is not pasteurized. I had to actually search around for the pasteurized kind. The really good blue & brie cheeses are not pasteurized. Just read the lable. The first few ingredients should be pasteurized milk & milk products...