Chewable Prenatal Vitamins

44 Replies
cathy - March 6

yes my daughter did and her baby was find


estee - March 7

to jennifer: do you take them on empty stomach? because i get queasy also when i take them on empty stomach.


vanessa - March 8

A pregnant co-worker of mine is taking a children's chewable vitamin as well. She is 4 months with her second child and chose to use the children's because the "regular" made her vomit. Since I learned of this, I've asked my doctor and she said it's perfectly fine as long as you get all the specified amounts of nutrients you need. You can supplement Floic Acid or more Calic_m if need be. Hope this helps some of you to not worry...


Jackie - March 30

what are this and does it mean that they could be pregnent when they take prenatal tablets??


Tiffany - April 17

I am taking chewable prenatal vitamins called pre-care. These are prescription vitamins and, to my knowledge, you can only get them by prescriptions. Best of luck!


leslie - April 19

because of some intestinal problesm, my doctor actually switched me to two flinstone chewables a day... she was 19 weeks pregnant at the time and taking them herself.


tiffany - April 26

Hey Amber I'm on precare, and had to get them from my obgyn, first off was samples, then he wrote me out a prescription.. hope this helps.


Karen - July 6

I have never been able to swallow pills either so I was ecstatic when I heard about chewable prenatal vitamins. However, I'm having a hard time getting a prescription for them because the PreCare prenatal vitamins do not have the same ingredients and amounts as regular prenatal vitamins. What do other doctors have to say about this?


flo - July 13

what type of chewable vitamins are you taking. prescribe or do you mean children's chewable vitamins


Bethany - July 23

I've been selling supplements for years at local healthfood stores and found that chewable vitamins generally are not as strong as the kind you swallow. However, this does not include the Pioneer chewable which I've been taking for years. Just recently I was prescribed a chewable prenatal which doesn't even come close to the potency of my regular chewable. Not to mention synthetic vitamin E. Also, prenatals have beta carotene instead of vitamin A, because excessive vitamin A can cause birth defects. And please make sure to supplement your calcium, otherwise your fetus/infant will use you as their calcium and mineral warehouse and deplete your body of much needed calcium.


Karen - July 25

So, Bethany, what would you recommend to those of us who cannot swallow pills and need a prenatal vitamin?


Quinn - July 29

wow this makes me feel so much better, im 8 weeks almost 9 and i couldnt hold down my prenatal vitamins... i heard of just taking chewibles but didnt know much about it... im going down to look at some OTC ones for kids! ty so much!


Christy - August 2

I took a chewable vitamin, PreCare. They have more than the recomended amount of folic acid and no vitamin A. They are available through prescription only. I get them at a Giant Eagle pharmacy. I have a very healthy 5 month old. I had the typical morning sickness for about 4 weeks but I do not feel it was because of the vitamin because I took the vitamin for 7 months before I was pregnant and had no problems. Hope this helps.


kathryn - September 19

i take chewable prental vitamins, because i have a hard time swallowing the tablets. One of my friends took them and she has a healthy baby just like anyone else.


Laurie - October 11

I took chewable PreCare with my first baby and she is very healthy. 17 months old now. However, they're expensive and my insurance (HMSA) doesn't cover them. Also, you need a prescription from your doctor.


jyoti - February 22

i just a prescription for chewable prenatal vitamins too. I can't swallow pills and want to plan for a family in a few months. I have to still pick up the chewable tablets from my pharmacy!



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