I would just like to know what happens if you take diet pills the during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy ...i just found out i am pregnant and now i'm worried about what can happen and my dr.never gave me a straight answer i just want to know will the fetus keep growing or will it just stop?
I'm just looking for a straight answer i dont need anyone saying are you dumb ...... or well it could ...... just a straight answer!!!!!
| E - August 7 |
Either could happen. There is no way to know. If it stops growing, the result is a miscarriage. If it continues to grow, the result is almost always a healthy baby (if you stop using diet pills).
I dont think anyone whould know for sure what the answer is, not even your doc. I can tell you that it would be if you look on any of the med. bottles it says, do not take if you are pregnant, could be pregnant or think you are pregnant. Any pill can be a risk to your baby. For example... pain killers are easily perscribed and lots of women find out they are pregnant after being on them for a week to a month. I was on pain killers for my back and two weeks later, i found out i was pregnant. I late m/c and blamed myself for it. The doc. told me that it was not the meds because i was so early in my first trimester. She said it was a normal m/c and that i should not ever think it was from the pain killers two weeks before i found out.
if you are super concerned you can call the number on the back of the diet pills where it says questions or comments and ask the doc. that is a__sociated with that call in center. They usually have a doc. that answers questions and what nots.
Hope this helps a little. feel free to write me at knpandrews@hotmail.com