Morning Sickness-pg110744098018
1 Replies
I keep vomiting and throwing up constantly. Nothing I eat or drink makes me feel better. Should I go see a doctor? I feel even more hungry as the days go by.
YES YES. I am 18 wqeeks and had been suffering from ms since week 7. i went to the doctor on monday and got a prescription for diclectin. Miracle drug. It contains an antihistamine and a low dose of Vit B 6. and its is working. I haven't felt nasuaus of thrown up in 2 days and it started to work right away. I also got a prescirption for a 2 part pre natal vitamin... so now no constipation. Just go to the doctor and ask for them. I have gained weight and didn't really bring up much food just the feeling of feeling yucky and barfy all the time but now I AM FREE..... LOL