I am a 38 yr old mother of 4 and just found out that i am 8 wks (first with second hubby) also tried for almost three years,i am so worried that something is going to happen. my ob tested my progesterone level and found it to be 14, so i am taking 200MG of prometrium twice a day.have had no spotting some cramping but not bad, today i found out my level is now 132 and i am having these sharp pains in my pelvic bone,any input on all of my issues would be most comforting.I feel so silly lol but we have wanted this so bad and i have never had any of this with my first 4
I had and still sometimes have that same cramp!!! It sux doesn't it?? I also had to take the meds for progestreone levels.....unfortunately it took two miscarriages for them to test my level. Any way the doc told me that it was either the ligamnets stretching or cramping from my period....since it normally started around that time. I have had no bleeding nor probs with the baby and I had that cramp quite often. I would still inform your Dr but I think you will be fine. Good luck and God bless.