Terrible Side Pains 7 Months Pregnant
2 Replies
I have this burning pain on my left side, it hurts when i sit forward or lift my left leg. Its a particular spot and it feels like a sore on the inside. Can somebody please help im 28 weeks pregnant. My Midwife wont help much.
I often have sharp, burning pains on either side of my abdomen, fairly low down. Especially when doing certain movements like rolling over in bed. I can't tell you for sure but I think that kind of pain is probably the ligaments on the side of the uterus, which are stretching to the maximum right now. Or it could be your stomach muscles. Mine often feel quite painful as they stretch. You said your midwife won't help much, do you have a doctor you can ask? Because it's probably nothing but it never hurts to ask and make sure.
hi. I get the same sharp pains. My doctor told me there is a muscle on either side of ur uterus holding it in place. He said it is okay to take Tylenol for the pain. I did when it was unbearable and it does help. Good luck and safe delivery.