Has Anyone Experienced Cramping During Early Pregnancy

634 Replies
Penny - March 3

Hey I am so happy to hear what you guy's all have to say. Off and on since about 5 wks I have had cramping. I am 11 1/2 weeks and today I feel like I do when I am going to have a heavy period. I hope everything is ok!!!


Mary - March 3

Same here! I am almost 6 weeks and I feel crups like I am going to get my period ... I guess this ought to be normal!


euka - March 3

interesting, how the books describe this cramping as "a mild discomfort or stretching sensation" which scares the bejesus out of people like us who have fairly strong cramps, and lost of us feel like we are about to have a whopper of a period. My cramps have been fairly strong, often I have to go lie down since before I found out I was pregnant! I thought I was having the longest worst pms in history... Still having strong cramping especially when changing position or getting out of/into bed at 9 weeks


nancy - March 4

My period came a 1.5 weeks early and the bleeding was different than normal. Then, I spotted for a few days after that. Now I am having cramping. Could I be pregnant? We were trying all last month but I was sad when I got my period. But now that I think back, it was early and a different kind of period that had no cramping and bright red blood. Now I am cramping days later. Help!


kim - March 4

hey nancy, thats what happened to me, and it turned out i'm preg. it's time for you to test!


Michelle S - March 6

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to hear this from everyone. I've been ttc for about 2 years and I had an HSG (where they check to see if your tubes are blocked) last month it came back fine. It was my 4 month on Clomid too. So during ovulation my husband and I did the deed...AND This morning I took a test and it said positive I couldn't believe my eyes so I went to the store and bought 3 different kinds and they all said pos. too. After a few hours I felt like cramping and slight pain down there but now I feel so much better knowing others are going through it too. THANKS :) my prayers are with all of you :)


Amy - March 6

Hi everyone! I am almost 5 weeks along and have had mild cramping, too. The books say "see your doctor if you have cramping". I was a little worried. I feel better after having read your postings. Best wishes to you all!


Brenda - March 7

I just found out that I'm pregnant . All I know is that it really does feel like you're having the world's longest PMS session. The cramps are almost as bad but without all the bleeding. So think about it as one unmessy period!!


michelle - March 7

me to have bad cramps so glad it is common it makes you really worry nice to hear other people experience the same thing when you read books the pain is nothing like they describe


Kier - March 8

I just found out that I am pregnant yesterday, and had severe cramping the night before that. I'm only about 2 weeks, so I'm very worried that things aren't going well. This is my first pregnancy. My doc says that as long as my 2nd Beta shows that the #'s are doubling, I'll probably be okay. Anyone else have severe cramping and things turned out okay?


Hannah - March 9

I am 7 weeks and have had PMS cramping everyday off and on for about a week now. I will be visiting my doctor today, I hope all is well.


jenjen - March 10

I thought i was getting my period i was so crampy. turnes out i'm 3 weeks pregnant and i still get some cramping


christa - March 10

I have had bad cramps since i found out i was pregnant, now 5.5 weeks , if you're worried or the cramps start to stab then get a dr's appt asap, i asked for a scan and everythings fine. honestly seek medical advice if only to put your mind at rest. It helped me!


marie - March 10

I had not a cramping feeling but a stretchy feeling in my abdomin at around5 weeks but it went away. my doctor said that it was my uterus stretching and growing.


Amy - March 10

I'm 6 weeks and I get a little cramping every now and again too. I was told that I have to remember that there's a baby in there doing a lot of growing, even though it's early! Good luck to everyone!


danielle - March 10

I am 9 weeks and have had severe cramps, like period cramps since i was 3 weeks. I thought something was wrong but my dr a__sured me it was normal, she said that in a first pregnancy you tend to get worse cramps because you're uterus isnt used to having something in it. The books arent very helpful when it comes to explaining it but those books are talkign about text book pregnancies which most ppl dont have.



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