Help, I’m Stressing !

1 Replies
Hiii99 - December 19

Hi, I’m new to all this. Think there would be a chance I could get pregnant? I’m a virgin, I am on birth control but I take them whenever I feel like it throughout the day. My boyfriend and I were naked and he had some Precum and rubbed himself against my vagina. Like for a couple minutes. Is there a chance I could be pregnant? My period is suppose to come in like 3/4 days. I was just spotting the day before this all happened...


Grandpa Viv - December 20

99, you are not likely to get pregnant from sexual exposure in the week before your period is due. Ovulation is usually 14 days befoer the period and the egg is only good for one day, though sperm can hang around in wait for five days. Being a virgin is no protection againt pregnancy - where blood can come out so sperm can swim in.

Birth control pills have to be taken one a day as prescribed for them to be effective. The incident you describe did not involve enough sperm to result in pregnancy. The only flag I see in your post is the unusual spotting a week before your period. That might be seen as implantation spotting after sexual exposure a week or so earlier.

It' high tiime for you and the boyfriend to talk about effective birth control as you are going to be sexually active within a few months. If you can take your bc pills properly and he will use condoms for every penetration, there willl be very little chance of pregnancy.



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