Possible Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation
169 Replies
to amanda,i think that all people have the right to be a parent whether they had the tubal or not
To Beatrice.... I think so too. but its always nice to hear someone tell you that you know? Makes you feel good you know! It wasnt time for me.. and I know that now, I just pray for this to be the baby that we want so dearly. But if it is not, well, the good Lord has blessed us with two perfect babies already. I just cant wait to hear "your gonna be a mommy again!" gives me chills thinking about it. God bless you all.. and you too Beatrice!
i ha my tubes clamped in june i have not had a period in 31 days the doctor said that it's normal i'm really not that late, but i wonder if i could be pregant? i really don't know what to think i had be on birth controm for 11 years noe but before that i had my son they say my periods might not be normal now. is that true or could i be pregant?
to missy,as u get older ur system changes to accompany the older body.ur periods may never be the same again
Hey everyone.. Went to the Dr.'s today and they did a urine pregnancy test that came back negative. I know I had my tubes tied a year ago, but i havent had a period since August first. Has anyone been throuh this? What might it be? Can I be pregnant and the test be wrong? I feel pregnant!Blood work back in a week they said. but that is forever in female language! PLEASE HELP ME.. !!!! LOL
I had my tubal ligation on Oct 13 2003. I have been nausea and "feeling sick" for the past 3 weeks and my period is now 3 days late. I am wondering like most, could I be pregnant?
not answer.....i had my tubes tied 3 years ago and i am almost a week late, i have never been late b4, i have had the crampy feeling like i'm gonna start but nothing. also have felt nauseated off and on. what do you all think could i be pregnant?
to crystal,there is a possiblity that u could be pregnant.have u tested yet?
what makes someone be a prime canidate for
pregnancy after a tubal?
to courtney,a prime canidate for a pregnancy after a tubal r:age at time of tubal,ur health,etc........
i had my tubes tied, and burned seven years ago. Lately my periods are every 20 days instead of every 28 days. They only last for 2 days and ligt. Could i be pregnant. I am 33 yrs old.
i too was also wondering if i could be pregnant i had my tubes tied almost 7 years ago never been late on my period until now had my last one the middle of Aug been having cramp like i'm going to start but dont have very tender b___st but i'm feeling no nausea that was usually the first sign that i was preganant. i go see my physcian next friday...if i am it will be a miracle...but if i'm not then there is something definetly wrong with me.
God Bless All you Ladies
I went to the doctor on last Friday b/c I too was like if I am not pregnant there is something wrong with me. My period did come on after being 4 days late and it lasted for 2 days. My doctor to me it is not likely that I am pregnant b/c my tubal ligation was recent they seem to up hold longer than a tubal ligation that was done 10 years ago. She put me on an antidepressant to see if my nausea and headaches would stop. Now I am just waiting to see what will happen.
I don't have an ansswer,I need your help please,I had my tubes clamped 17 years ago my periods have always been every 28 days like clock work,I had my last period aug 14 normal 6 days haven't had one since my first hpt was a faint pos did another one last week it was neg. I have all the signs of being pregnant I'm so confused anyone out there going through this???
hi i was want to know can stll get preangant y youer tubal are tide i my tubs tide in 2003 i dint know fi can or not thought u can still get preangant y tubal are tide can u stll get preangant y ther tide tubal
I think I am pregnant. I had a tubal 5 1/2 years ago, is this possible?