My partner has been different since he found out about my pregnancy, he feels that he life is over, is it normals for fathers to be to feel that way? I also think that he is worried that he will not be able to give him everything he needs, how can I get to to understand that everything is going to work out fine?
| m - July 31 |
my ex boyfriend did the same thing its pretty normal...but i still cannot even know if he gunna be there for me in the end
my bf and just went through this then i misscarried and he said im sad now it just takes them time to get used to the idea
My girlfriend is 2 mo. pregnant and I'll tell you I am almost as emotional as her right now. The main thing is to keep communicating. Don't be afraid to bring up the scary, fearful stuff and talk it through. I feel very different knowing I will soon be a dad and I know I act differently much of the time. We are just trying to enjoy this and not stress too much. However, he's going to have to get over the "my life is over" BS and realize that he just has some more responsibilities. You don't give up your dreams when you have a baby. I think life has to slow down a little but not to a screaching halt.