I'm surrounded by so much pink when I'm with my younger sisters so when I had my first son, I made sure to dress him ALL in blue. 97% of all his clothes are blue, even his room is blue. Why is it that when I take him out, people think he is a girl? No matter what I dress him in, blue, black, red...people call him a girl. Does this happen to anyone? What should I do...
My brother and sis-in-law were so upset that people kept asking what my nephew was that they had a little teeshirt airbrushed that said "Don't even ask, I'm a boy!" It was really cute.
I had my daughter in a pink outfit with a pink bow and a pibk blanket and a person asked me if it was a boy! And they were seriouse! About hte airbrush shirt thats a great iodea, I so wished I hasd a shirt that I could have put on her that said no you cant touch lol. So many people just reach in and try to toucxh even strangers and it makes me angry- who knows what they last touched or who.
I think I'm going to try the t-shirt idea because my son is all boy and I don't understand the girl thing haha. I also really really dislike people touching him. He was a premature baby and I get scared of diseases (colds etc.) going around. Everytime someone comes over and touches him, I wipe his hands off with wipes or something. What do you do when someone touches your baby?
Britt- I get really angry but what can you say without ticking everyone else off. My daughter is a premi also and is about 3 months of age. I also hate it when people have to lean right into the car seat and make nonsense noises at her and breath on her. I want to tell them to get the beep back.Ive so wanted and I think I may make a little sign that I will put on her carrier that reads: Dont Touch Me, You Have Germs. or somthing like that