Well, DH and I have fights all the time about the schedule for night feedings. How do you girls do it? Do you share the feedings with DH? Jaime feeds every 4 hours or so, and it seems that I am always the one that ends up sleeping 4 hours and DH sleeps about 8 or 9. He does help me with one feeding, the middle of the night one, but all other times are my responsability. Jaime is almost 6 weeks. Also, how do you put a 6 week old back to sleep efficiently? Do you let your baby sleep during the day? I am still very sleep deprived and I am a grouch most of the time. Thanks so much for your answers and any support you may want to give me. I am so tired I am at the end of my wits.
It sucks but good luck getting your little one on a schedule. Mine is 12 weeks old, but was 12 weeks premature, so he's still considered a newborn and feeds every 3 hours. I go to bed at around 10pm and dh feeds him at 10pm and 1am. Then I wake up at 4am, then dh gets him again at 7am before work. Sometimes, because Bradyn sleeps all day, he doesn't want to sleep at night. I still haven't figured out how to keep him awake during the day. When dh gets home around 5, he plays with him and keeps him awake til he goes to sleep at 1am. Bradyn usually falls asleep on me while I'm burping him and I just lay him down. (He sleeps in his bouncy chair in our bed).
I would like to know tha answer to this as well. Ben will be six weeks old on Monday and I feel like we have a very loose routine at best.
At first you can't really develop any sort of sleeping routine for your baby. Some babies sleep a lot more than others. My kids both slept around the clock for the first few weeks, waking up only to eat, and falling back asleep when they were full. With my first, she had to eat every 2 hours at first, because she was premature, and my husband and I would alternate the night feedings, so each of us could sleep 4 hours at a time. We still kept waking up and finding her in the bed between us...one of us would doze off and leave her there. With my second, we couldn't do that because he was working two jobs, so I went a while not sleeping more than 3 or 4 hours a day. It gets easier soon...as your baby gains weight she will sleep longer.
Hi Mary and congratulations on the birth of Jaime!! A routine is not in the near future for you. It can sometimes take up to a few months to get one down. DH had to work everyday so I felt that he should not do the night feedings bc he could not nap during the day like I could. I would get to sleep in on the weekends while he took over. That is when I could catch up. It was easier that way and their was no fighting over who had to get up. If I had to do night feedings and go to work, I would have needed to check myself into a hospital.
Thanks for the replies. I wish I had weekends to catch up. I am on duty 24x7, 7 days per week. We are now trying to do the every other feeding system like Jbear suggested. yesterday I took over the 8 pm and 4 am feedings, dh took over the midnight feeding. Today he is taking over the 8 pm and 4 am and I the midnight. I cannot nap during the day as Jaime does not sleep until about 4 pm - he is awake from 6 am until then (maybe he snoozes 1/2 hour here and there). So I do not feel bad about dh helping during the night - I believe my job is much more exausting than his - he gets to socialize with adults and sits in front of a computer, no need to walk around or clean or cook or change diapers or b___stfeed or entertian a little baby all day. He goes out to lunch with co-workers and does not work overtime. I work from the time I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I think I need to negociate some time off during the weekends, I need to get a hair cut, waxing and a pedicure, My 6 week aptmt with obgyn is around the corner to give me the ok so i can have s_x again. I am in deperate need of getting laid, sorry if TMI, hahahahha :). BTW, Narcissus, I am finally here in the infant care forum, I remember telling you I wanted to have a little one so I could write in here ... and he is such a great baby!
I agree that motherhood is exhausting. My dh has a hard time falling back to sleep after he wakes so a feeding could cost him several hrs and that would take a toll on his work and his writings. Mary, it's great to see you here!! This forum is a huge source of support so don't be a stranger. We don't fight on the infant care forum and I think everyone is truly trying to help the others get thru the day, with humor and all:) You want to get laid, lmao??!! I was trying to avoid s_x until dh was about to burst! I have been thinking about you and how is the diaper bag thing working out?? Still managing 4 of them :P ??
I think im one of those lucky ones cause my baby was able to sleep five hours at a time since she was born. But she is awake most of the day. she only takes one nap but its about 3 hours. i try feeding her one bottle of formula at night so that she can go longer at night. she takes the b___st the rest of the day. i just pop it out and she feeds. im always alert and i can't fall into deep sleep when she's in our bed. if you can try using a routine, maybe the baby will get used to it. My routine is to turn the lights out in the apartment after my dh goes to bed around 10, lower the volume on the Tv and change her diaper and put her pjs on, i feed her and burp her and she then falls sleep. babies are good with routines cause they know what to expect. I also don't bother with my hubby since he has to work form 5-5 (army) I agree with you about being tired my rule is that after he gets home he showers and the baby is all his until its time to feed her or for him to go to sleep.
Narcissus, I have 3 bags - one is at my parents and it is seldomly used and two at home. It works out great because when I re-supply one bag I do the other at the same time, then I do not have to worry for days until the second one starts to run on empty. Oh, yes I slept over 9 hours last night - got to bed at 8, got up at midnight for a feeding, back in bed by 1:30 and then up at 5:30 for a bit and then Jaime let me sleep until 8:30 am ... of course, dh got about 6 hours only. :) Maybe doing this 2 times per week can be enough to keep me sane. Narc, I hear you about dh having a hard time falling asleep. I have that problem nowadays, but is because of my fear of SIDS. :)