Is Baby Constipated Please Help
8 Replies
Hey everyone, well my daughter is 10 days old today and from the beginning she would poo a lot everyday, and now all of sudden since yesterday in the afternoon she hasnt at all. I am very worried and today she was crying really bad all day and it like she is pushing but i guess nothing comes out. I really dont know what to do. Ive been br___t feeding and giving formula. I want to br___t feed exclusively but it hurts sooo bad. I have really sore nipples and dont think enough milk comes out, ive spoken to a lacation specialist on position to feed my baby but it still hurts. Well anyways i really dont know what to do about my daughter, what can i do for her to poo, is it normal not to pooh for over a day?? I cant respond on this site so please email me at Thanks.
I have been there. At least with the constipation. Some doctors will tell you it is normal for a baby to not have a bowel movement for up to 10 days i think...i however do not agree. My mother told me to use a mixture of Kayro light (white) syrup, about a teaspoon per 8 oz. of water. Baby will liek the mixture most likley and will help tremendously with bowel movement. Hope this helps you, it did me.
using karo syrup can be very dangerous. it is un pastureized just like honey and can lead to botulisum.
Sorry to hear about your little one. We have a six week old granddaughter who has the same problem and we were told by her doctor to use the dark Kayro syrup, but it was 4 teaspoon per 4 oz. of milk it wors but you have to adjust to fix the baby need. One way was too much and the oter was not enough.
My baby is 1 month old and only poops once every 2-3 days. I bottle feed him. The pediatrician told me that is fine as long as when he does poop it is not hard. He was pooping every day in the beginning also and then around 1 week old he stopped going as frequently.
Well I have been given the great opportunity to raise a new born as of now he is 13 days old now. I have raised a many kids and I am trying half prune juice and half water, will let you know the results
| K - July 11 |
Ok, this may be gross...but we were told to "stimulate" the area lightly w/a gloved finger. I know, disgusting...but it worked for our son when he was a newborn. I have heard that Karo is not good to use.
| K - July 11 |
Forgot to mention, just once at a diaper change and it should work. Just kinda around the outside. What we won't do for our kids!!!!
My doctor and hospital also said to use Kayro syrup. It definitely worked. I also tried brown sugar and that helps. Its normal for a baby to not have a BM everyday. My hospital also said to take a rectal temperature as that also may help them stimulate the area. When that wouldn't work though, I'd use the syrup and my son is now almost 10 months and hasn't showed any problems. I would just put a teaspoon in with his formula (which was about 4 ounces at the time). If he hadn't pooped for 2-3 days, I would give it to him two times on the 3rd day.