| TC - December 17 |
Danny has bumps on his neck. He has started to teeth and drool a lot so I am guessing that these bumps are coming from that. My question is what is a good regiment for these bumps. My mom says to put cornstarch powder on it, but I don't like how that looks. Any ideas?
When Lucas gets those from drooling, I just put some vasloine or aquaphor on it and it seems to protect the skin and they go away, or get better, at least
vasoline, not vasloine, I can be so dyslexic sometimes.
Cornstarch is good for keeping the area dry, but I heard it is also a breeding ground for bacteria. Vasoline or petroleum jelly would be a good barrier against the drool.
| TC - December 17 |
The last thing he needs is bacteria underneath his many rolls of skin. I have both vasoline and aquaphor.
You could always try diaper rash ointment! That is what we use anytime Amayas neck gets a little red!
Calendula does wonders, it can be used for many skin ailments.
What kind of bumps? Like under his chin area like acne? I swear Emma is starting to teeth too so I'll watch for this.
I use liquid powder I find it works awesome and gives the baby a sweet smell.
| TC - December 17 |
Thanks guys for the help. Ranya, what is Calendula? Heidi, the bumps are under his chin but they really don't look like acne. They are reddish but not pimpleish. If you understand what I am saying. Amanda I have been looking for liquid powder and have been unable to find it. I am going to check out K-mart when I go shopping tommorrow.
You don't like how cornstarch looks? What is wrong with you woman? LOL... I would try a thin layer of desitin or some hydrocortisone cream, provided it's safe for babies. I don't know if it is.
| TC - December 17 |
Yeah, when it gets wet it looks like mashed potatoes. I like mashed potatoes, but I don't like them under my kids neck. LOL
My 7wk old got that too, little red bumps all over her neck. The doctor said it was eczema and gave me elidel cream and it cleared right up. I now keep auqhaphor on her neck to keep moisterized but also to protect from milk and drool. Doc said that sometimes yeast causes it too, but there would be stuffed caked on the neck also if it was yeast.
| TC - December 17 |
Hmmmm, I have so many questions for pediatrician at Danny's 4mo check-up next wk. I was also wondering about eczema bc his forehead gets very try and in the morning it looks like it is peeling. I put aquaphor on it and it kind of smoothes out for awhile.