| P - December 18 |
My nine month old daughter Quinn has just had a bout with what we think is/was Roseola. She had a fever for a few days so we took her to the doc. He said it was just a virus; no biggie. The next day the fever disappeared and she got this rash all over her head and torso. Mommy freaked! Because she seemed otherwise fine we just did a little research in the medical books and online and came up with this. I had never heard about this before but apparently it's very common and nothing to worry about. It's most frequent at 9-12 months but can occur anywhere from 3 months to even four years. Just thought I'd give you all the heads up in case your little ones come across the same thing. To be Roseola the rash won't appear until after the fever is gone. Good luck!! :)
My oldest son had it . It went away nothing a person can do to prevent it. Just go wi the flow. It will be over soon enough