My little girl is 1month 5 days old and sleeps off and on throughout the day just fine. My problem is that she is awake from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am everynight!!! If we are not holding her/rocking her she will cry when we put her down in her crib! She goes down just fine for bed at 8:00 p. m. and she puts herself to sleep during the afternoon. What could be going on? How can I get her to sleep during these hours?
Someone once told me, don't let your baby sleep past 5 or 6 pm and they will sleep better at night. I have been doing that for the past 2 weeks, and seems to be helping. My son will have nights where he's up for 3 hours or so in the middle of the night too. He's just wide awake, and I can't figure it out either!
My daughter is 7 wks old now, and at first she was the same way, slept great during the say, and then fussed most of the night. And dont dare put her down or she'd wake up and cry...lol. She was fine as long as you were holding her. Now she is awake most of the evening after about 6 pm I keep her up and entertain her. And we have our bath at about 7:30 pm. She is typically asleep by about 11 pm and sleeps until around 4 am, then awake for another feeding until 5 am and then asleep again until about 9 am give or take. Have patience your babies will hopefully soon change their sleep habits. Good Luck !