Hi, my daughter is 4 months and I am exclusively br___tfeeding her. She is sleeping at 9:30pm then wakes up at 2am and then again at 6am. Does anyone know how I can make my baby sleep through the night since I'm going back to work in another two weeks?
some moms try forumula just for nighttime feedings...I am going to try holding off on that as much as possible, but then again I won't be working for another 11 months so I don't need to worry about sleep. lol. If you do try formula though don't try straight formula at once...peds say to mix it with pumped b___stmilk at first. Are you going to keep up the b___stmilk once you are working?
Lately, I've been giving my daughter ( 7 weeks) a pacifier when she wakes up in the middle of the night. She doesn't wake up crying so sometimes she just falls back asleep, but if she doesn't and starts crying I b___stfeed her. I'm trying to get her used to not feeding in the middle of the night. Only problem is that I have to keep putting back the pacifier if it falls out so it's not like it's allowing me to sleep more for now...