does a baby get high fever temps when teething?
yes that is a sign of teething and can be treated with calpol.
Do baby's get high temps while teething?
| kim - January 1 |
my daughter is 3 1/2 months old and and theres been a chng in her habits. she crys more,sleeps less,drools, bites on everything and when i gave her a teething ring and it hit gums she started crying.i asked the doctor if she could be teething yet she said no. but my mom said my sister got her 1st tooth at 4months. her eating habits chnged to shes not as hungary and she was trying to bite on the nipple. do you think shes teething
my daughter got two bottom teeth at 4 months so your babe may well be teething give the babe some calgel especially for babies you rub it on the c_ms and calpol to reduce fever. be patient cause it must kill those teeth cutting through! x