All professionals say that you can not spoil a baby and that whenever he/she cries to pick them up. At what age can you let them cry for a bit? Are we conditioning them, as babies, that when they cry we will come and then soon after, they cry and we don't come? I am confused!
| N - August 13 |
It's hard i know. You will learn the difference in cries.. when it's a hungry cry, why deny your child food?? when it's a bored cry and you are running to them, that's when they learn that you will come running. Around about 5 or 6 months (depends alot on the baby) you will learn your babies routine and be able to feed them before they get fussy, know when they need to be changed and when they usually take naps/go to bed.. (not always, some babies are just colicy).. but by then if your baby is crying, it's usually out of bordom and you will won't need to run and pick them up.. It's very individual, but by the time they are a year old i would say don't even acknowledge the crying unless they are hurt, it encourages them to continue using cries to communicate.. baby sign helps ALOT.
| C - August 14 |
My son is 3 months and when he cries for no reason I'll let him cry a little bit and he'll fall asleep. Once in awhile he'll be fussy and I get mad and then I realize that he went poop and I feel guilty. I really don't think you can spoil an infant and if you constantly let them cry for everything they will not have a sense of security. However, my doctor told me on the day I was released that if I'm frustrated with the baby because it's crying so much to put him in his crib and get some fresh air (they're worried about post part. depression and shaken baby syndrome). She said a baby has never died from crying. I agree with this because I remember how frustrating it could get when he would cry everytime I tried to do something. He'd be sleeping, I'd hop in the shower, soon as I turned off the water I'd hear him screaming bloody murder.
Normally babies cry for a reason. Either he or she are wet, hungry, or bored. Sometimes changing the baby's surrounding can make a big difference. I pick up my babies each time they cry when they are under 1. Now he hardly ever cry. I don't believe you can spoil a baby. Babies feel love and safe when their needs are met as an infant. When the child is a toddler. He or she will fake cry to get their way. I feel toddler years is when you test to see if your child truly need to be picked up. Mentally a baby can not have the understanding to use crying to get his or her way. I say hold and pick up your child as much as you want. You know your baby better than anyone else.
| Liz - August 14 |
I agree with Keekee. Babies cry for a reason because it is the only way they can communicate with us at this point wether it is because he is uncomfortable for some reason or simply because he wants to be held. So just go to him :) Just know that there will come a time when your baby won't need to be held at all anymore. So enjoy it while you can :)