I am 32 weeks, and recently found out I am 1 cm dialated, and 50 % effaced.. I have menstral cramps daily, and pretty strong braxton hicks every day. This is my first child so I am not really sure what to expect. Just hoping for some advice...
well i am 36 weeks pregnant and 1 cm dialated and 25% effaced. my doctor told me i can be 1 cm for a couple of weeks. you could be up to 4 cm dialated for weeks before you go into labor. dont worry about braxton hick they fell like menstrul cramps, but your body is just getting ready for labor. they get stronger daily until you deliver.
It seems to be different for everyone...I was 1cm dilated at about 27 weeks and my OB put me on "modified bed rest". Then at 29 weeks I dilated to 2cm and she put me on total bedrest. Maybe this is because with my 1st pregnancy I had pre-term labor at 32 weeks and delivered at 35. From my experience, braxton hicks are ok, as long as they are not regular. If they are at regular intervals and close together...maybe from 3 to 10 minutes apart, I would definitely let your doctor know as soon as possible. With both my pregnancies, I've had braxton hicks as early on as 21 weeks, but the only time they came w/concern was when I started having them at regularly timed intervals. At that point I was given meds to stop the contractions and put on bedrest. Good luck to you, I hope your braxton hicks are sporatic and not regular! I'm sorry they are painful & crampy. Mine have just been very tight and hard but never hurt. Despite being on bedrest right now, thank goodness I'm still hanging in there at 35 weeks. I'd love for baby to hold out at least 'till 36.
I had that the first time around. I was dialated for awhile and had those contractions. I think it is a good sign that you will go on time or a week early and it should be a fast labor. That is what happened for me. Remember take a hot shower and let the water hit your nipples. It helps to dialate you! Do this when you are in labor and at the hospitol. It helps. I was 5 cent. and took a 15 min. shower and came out and they said I was now 9 cent and ready to push! Who knew a shower could be so helpful!
In my first pregnancy I was 3 cm dilated for the last two months, and had cramping and braxton hicks every day. I went into labor at 35 weeks, but everything turned out ok.
hi there i am from adelaide and i am 32 weeks pregnant and i am having strong braxton hick i have lower back pain and tummy pain this is my thrid pregnancy what should i do