35 Weeks Pregnant PLEASE HELP ME

17 Replies
Kylap87 - November 27

I recomend not listening to any of these other women trying to discourage you from stimulating labour at home. Once your 38 weeks I would try nipple stiumlation, spicy foods and primrose tea. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant with my second child and I completely get being 100% over it. Now a days with medical science a baby can survive past 28 weeks in neonatal care. Every week the baby is in ur belly, the better chances of him/her are of being healthy.  But of all the parents I know personally who's babies were born from 28 weeks to 43 weeks there children turned out to be all strong healthy intelligent children. So long story short! At 38 weeks even 37 start those techniques to bring on labour!!! If you feel you are really ready then chances are he/she is ready too!! 


Afandi - September 21

Yes, if you are in the homestretch of your pregnancy, you may choose to stimulate labor naturally. There are plenty of methods that women have used to stimulate themselves to give birth. They include: 
Having sex- although most women feel tired towards the end of the third trimester, few of them know that having sex with your husband can send you into the labor ward.  Sex softens the cervix and will make things get started.
Nipple stimulation
It is another method you can resort to if you want to go into labor immediately. Ask your husband to do it for you to increase the chances of inducing labor. Nipple stimulation produces oxytocin which induces contraction 
When you are 38 weeks pregnant, you can induce labor by eating a pineapple which contains the enzyme Bromelain which is known to bring about the softening of the cervix. Other tropical fruits such as mango, kiwi, and papaya may also be used to induce labor.
Spicy food
Eating the fiery curry when you are in the homestretch will make your baby come home immediately.



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