38 Weeks With Lots Of Questions
3 Replies
Hello Ladies, I have a question for you. Well, yesterday I went into nesting. I have been loosing my mucus plug now for weeks, it comes out in bits. It happen with my last one too. I know what braxton hicks contractions feel like, but thats how my labor started last time, then went into the dumping stage and harder contractions. Today I have been having Braxton hicks, but they have been low. Like i am having my period. Its not really painful, just tightening. My stool has gotten softer over the last few days, and I have had extra energy. My toddler over the last two days has been saying "baby, out baby" Do you think the sense the stuff that is going on inside of my belly. Or am I bringing on the excitement. I am dialted at 3, and 50% effaced (this was two thurdays ago.) He has been straight up and down for about 2 weeks now also, but the braxton hicks are getting stronger. I stand up and feel so much pressure, more than usual. I just want to go into labor. I had s_x today hoping it would help, since I had s_x I have had more and more contractions (lower stomach) Anyone have any advice or answers to my questions?
| Hi - January 21 |
When do you go back to the doctors? It really does sound like it could be soon. Keep having s_x it does help. That's how I went into labor with one of mine. A warm relaxing bath helped with another.Good luck
I went to the doctor yesterday. He said it should be soon. Did you ever hurt when you walked? Like in the front lower area, where your overies are?
| KM - January 21 |
sounds to me like you could go anytime. Just keep walking and having s_x.Also, lol rest plenty and eat well so youre all ready for labour.