Diffent Positions Helped My Labor
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i was 37weeks and my waters broke early in the morning 28-02-05 and i called my midwife and came to check me and say my baby was not engaged yet so it was too soon to go to the hospital so i stayed and keep myself busy but not exhausting myself so i walked around and greet every contraction with different position like squatiing ,crawling and had heated the hot water bottle and used it on my back and would take a bath if ifeel like and by5pm my contractions were now closer and painful such that i wanted an epidural despite my first option for a natural birth shecame and check me and told me i was nearly there but i told her i wanted to go to the hospital and i went to the hospital around 6.50 and by 7.00 we there and had some gas and i was dilated enough and told me to push and with 4 pushes my beatiful girl was born no cut or tears just small bruises and thank God coz i was so afraid of cuts so the massaging of perinium must have done the trick so guys do not be afraid go for it by the end of hard labor you will have your baby so good luck to all expecting ladies you go go galz remember no pain no gain.