Hi Ladies,
This morning 9/2/05,,,I had the d&c,,, well mine was called the d&e (dilation and evacuation) same thing essentially!
SO here is my STORY ~~~
because my baby only measured 6.2weeks at the 1st ultrasound and then exactly a week later only 6.5weeks at the 2nd u/s both times NO Heartbeat,,,, I decided to go ahead with the d&c,,,,, I kept being hopefull, b/c I had no miscarriage symptoms, just a little dark brown spotting about every other day,,,so I thought I could have miscalcultated my LMP at the first u/s,,, but the second confirmed it and my Hcg levels dropped from 28 thousand to 26 thousand to 20 thousand within a 6 day period,,,,,,
We Got to the surgery center at 7:15am, registration,,, change,,,IV,,,,,, Anesthesia started at 8:30,,,,,
They knocked me out,,, I remember sliding onto the O.R. table and the anesthesialogist putting the mask on my chest, I suppose to get used to the smell, which there was none,,, or
I just don't remember if there was any,,, I was out!!!
When I woke up, I was in recovery, they already put my grannie panties on with a pad,,,,,I just kept thinking how they put it on,,, Silly I tell you,,,,,,,,,, anyways, the nurse brought me coke,,, went to pee,,, got dressed and I was out the door.... Got home and was in bed by 10:40am.....
~~~~I already made piece with this whole thing the night before,,, My husband and I cuddled,cried and we played the last little lulluby to our lost baby (this cute little plush white bunny that you pull the tail and it plays the song,,, ~then we put it in a cubboard for it to rest,till december when we will try again~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~
The only thing I was worried about is the after effects like,,, how much cramping and bleeding
and all,,,,,,, I got the super Overnight Always Wings, THEY ROCK,,,,only used one so far!!! so not much is going
on down there,,,,,,,,, which I'm very glad about!!! :) SORRY, LADIES,,,,,,,,,,,, about these
details,,,, I think the anesthesia is still in effect,, or I'm just rambling :) ;)
The doc gave me a narcotic for pain,,, I took one when I got home,,,, I should have stayed away from it, because I have no pain,,, but my head is spinning,,,,,,, I finally ate around 1:30pm,,, I was starving,,,, My head is still spinning,,,, so I'm sitting on the couch, till it wears off, hopefully soon,,,
I'm also on an Antibiotic to prevent infection,,and another pill, that will lessen the bleeding,,,That is it in a nutshell,,,, so All is Well,,, No Worries!!!
~~~~ I will keep YOU ALL in my Prayers,,,God Bless You All, and PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,,, DON'T GIVE UP,,,,