Rh Neg And Planning Second Baby
4 Replies
I am Rh-negative. I successfully gave birth to a Rh-positive baby girl. I received the RhoGAM shot after delivery. My question is, do I/should I get the RhoGAM shot BEFORE I try to conceive? Do I need to get blood work done to determine if I have anti-bodies? Any info is appreciated!
I have done a lot of research on this myself. Here's what I can tell you. Since you had the rho-gam after your first child, you should be fine to conceive. The effects of the rhogam usually last about 20 weeks, therefore the shot is given to you around the 28 week marker of your pregnancy. Once you are pregnant your ob/gyn will do periodic checks to ensure you have not created the anti bodies. Good Luck.
I am also RH-negative and I am pregnant with my 3rd child you have nothing to worry about if you get pregnant again you will simply be given the RhoGAM shot at 28 weeks and if your baby is positive you will be given the shot within 72 hours of the babies birth. I have had to get the shot each time i was pregnant and right after both of my children were born and I am sure that this baby will be the same. As long as you get the shot at 28 weeks you have no reason to worry.
I am also Rh neg. and on my second pregnancy. All that is required when you get pregnant the next time is that you receive your Rh needle at 28 weeks pregnancy, and if your second child is born positive they will give you another needle in the hospital after delivery. But you do not need any needles until 28 weeks pregnant. All is good. Go for it!
Hi. I gave birth last year in February, and I have the same situation. I am now 32 weeks pregnant. You will not get another shot until you are 28 weeks pregnant. Then again after delivery. Good Luck!