Dampeople_ sometimes, my husband has been poked before and it made him bleed. I thought it was rather funny but the next time we were intimate I could tell he was a little apprehensive. The strings eventually wrapped around my cervix so he couldn't feel it anymore.
lol. Aww. Well, I'm going to refrain from telling my husband that! I don't want to scare him. Thank you so much for a replay though!
I have the Mirena iud and from all these comment so have alot of other ladies.and they didnt work. I got it put in late march and its late july I think Im pregnant! Ive taken three home test all negitive but I have alot of signs has anyone heard of the copper iud playing a factor in causing home test to pop negitive when they should be positive? I just had my dughter in january and now my husbands leaving for Iraq and Im a marine too, to work my hours and take care of one baby will be hard enough to do it pregnant will seem so impossible! HELP if you know something about this
I had a Mirena IUD Put in two days. Yesterday was also the first day of my period. One the first day I usually just have a brownish discharge then the second day in when I really start. Anyway, after the IUD was inserted my period stopped. I never got anything more then just brownish discharge. I am worried that I may have been Pregnant when they put it in. They did a test before and it was neg, but something just does not feel right. I am counting this as a missed period, and I have never missed a period, and I am never late (other than when I was pregnant). Any advice on what I should do? Since my HPT keep coming up neg my doctor is not concerned, he says that if im pregnant enough to miss a period than I am pregnant enough to test positive. Did anybody else' period stop right after the insertion? How pregnant do you have to be in order to get a positive reading on a HPT?
I am pregnant myself and I have an IUD in place. The doctor can't get it out. Anyone carry a baby to term with the IUD in place? I should be about six weeks. Have another appointment tomorrow.....
Hi! Which IUD do you have? Do you have the mirena or copper IUD? Just curious as I think I may be pregnant as well.
I have the Mirena. But it didn't really fail....... I have an abnormally shaped uterus (it's just my luck- go figure!). If the doctor had known, I would not have been a candidate for any IUD.
Oh well curious, does it feel weird to you, or did you just find out you were pregnant? I keep getting negativ pregnancy tests but I have never missed a period with the mirena and this morning had one little glob of brownish discharge no bigger than a dime and only when I wiped. I know I am pregnant and I dont know what's going on with this thing. I have been on it one year tomorrow, as a matter of fact and keep thinking that it just isn't gonna stop all of a sudden. I mean owuldn't the bleeding die off slowly and then one month I would suspect it not come. I am no longer in a monogamo0us relationship and am getting it removed but with my ex of 6 years I never missed a period and then all of a sudden I sleep with another guy twice, and once was on my most fertile day and next thing I know I'm coming up on period 2 from the last one and still haven't ad one. Last was june 6 and then it should have been july4 but nothing and then next one is due aug. 1 but I dunno....... what do you think did your bleeding taper off or just suddenly stop or none of them. I am confused and I have 3 kids i know what it feels lilke to be pregnant, I get queasy slightly nothign major everyday after breakfast and have started taking naps through the day and my lower back hurts I had cramping in my lower abdomen up until a week ago. And ten I get this one little brownish glob this morning and nothing....... good luck to you...
well, I am in the same boat as everyone else. I have 2 kids already, 6 & 2. I have had my Mirena IUD since Dec 05. I was spotting every month until May. In May I had an actual cycle that lasted a week (it was heavy). I called my Gyn & he said that I was having my first real period since the insertion. I have not bled since May! Now, I am experiencing morning nausea (and sometimes I will actually vomit), increase in appet_te, b___st tenderness, mood swings, frequent bathroom visits. You name a pregnancy symptom, and I have experienced it in the last couple of weeks. But my HPT came up neg. So, I go to the Gyn today. I just hope if I'm not, that they can tell me why I am experiencing all of this. Opinions?
Hey, blmw4, at least you got in the ob/gyn that fast, me... I have another week to go, feel free to e-mail me at flcntrygirl11401@Yahoo.com also there is a really great group with women getting false negative pregnancy tests it's hcgfn and it is a yahoo group. Good lluck and hopefully mine comes out positive soon which it did faintly the other night and I have gained 2 lbs. yet cant b___ton my pants and if I do get them b___toned I look fat and it hangs over the side, LOL, but seriously I want this IUD out. I have gotten a period every month 28 days for 4 -5 days abnd then all of a sudden one month nothing, and a week later I start cramping real bad my b___bs start hurting, my face is fat now and I look like I've gained 15 lbs. but no only 2 lbs. so like I said feel free to e-mail me because not to many people come on this board. Lynette
OK I am definitely pregnant. My home test was positve and so was the HCG test at the doctor's. If you are getting a negative test, I would wait and retest. Other than that, I have had no problems at all with the Mirena. I just knew I was pregnant and that is why I took the test . After all, I already have four kids..... this ain't my first rodeo! I saw a specialist yesterday. He said that there is no way to get the IUD out without interrupting the pregnancy so now we wait. Actually where the IUD is and where the baby (gestational sac) is sitting put me at really good odds for making it to term without a problem. I am so relieved. I hope it works out for both of you too.
i had the iud for 1 1/2 years now. I have lost about 20 pounds in the last 2 months. Last nite i felt strong pressure in my v____a. It felt like i had to push. when i did push a little bit of blood came out. My period was suppose to come but nothing came i only had like less than a teaspoon of blood. Are those any signs of pregnancy???
Hi all! I, too, have a Mirena IUD and have had it in place for about 2.5 years. Lately I have gained weight (and can't lose it... I NEVER have problems losing!), have had some morning sickness feelings, have been eating more than usual, and in the past few days I have had some minor cramping. I've also had some brownish-pink spotting that I've not had with my IUD (I've not really had a period since it was inserted). I took a home test that read negative, the doctor did a urine test that says negative, and they have scheduled a blood test. My husband believes I AM pregnant. It pregnancy with an IUD THAT common? What do these symptoms sound like to you all? HELP! I'm so lost!
I have had a copper IUD for 9 years. I already have 4 kids, and I just found out that I am pregnant. I don't keep track of my periods, but I think I am around 8 weeks. I have an appointment for an ultrasound tomorrow and then the doctor wants to remove the IUD if it's not too close to the baby. I can't seem to find too much information on which way is better. I wish I could hear more success stories. I feel much better to find this site. How are you that are recently pregnant doing?
I also have the Mirena IUD and have been increasingly experiencing really sore b___sts and fatigue. I pa__sed the fatigue off as a result of working a lot more lately but after reading all these posts I'm wondering if pregnancy is possible. I have 3 kids (7, 5 & 4) and have had the IUD for 2 yrs, have not had my period since 1.5 yrs ago but have never experienced the b___st tenderness like this since the IUD was put in. I also had a LEEP procedure done this June for abnormal cells(which I read somewhere that an IUD can attribute to in some cases). Thankfully after a infection, treated by penicillin, I am cancer free & healthy but I wonder if the procedure might have shifted the IUD...is this even possible?! I do know that the string is still out of the cervix. I have had intercourse since I healed from the procedure so I'm thinking pregnancy is possible even with the IUD, I should probably get a pregnancy test. Also I've had a change in discharge, which from what I remember from being pregnant with my youngest is another sign?! Thanks for any advice.
OK, I have had the IUD for 7 months... my son is 9 months old..... I have had only one regular period since having the IUD and that was the 3rd week of June.... since then...about 2 weeks ago I had some spotting, then nothing... now for the last week feel like i'm preg again.... have all the symptoms as i did with my son..... so I took two preg tests by ANSWER brand and both were neg.... despite no current med ins.... i went to the dr and they said it was almost impossible to be preg with the IUD in.... so he did a urine test and it was also neg..... he did a pelvic exam and said nothing in that region indicated a pregnancy... but he couldnt find my IUD... the strings werent out and even with pushing on my uterus and pushing up from my pelvis he couldnt locate it..... he is thoroughly conviced that since the urine test said neg i am not preg... but i am not convinced.... he basically sent me home and said i looked fine to him and i dont look pregnant... he wants me to see a gyno next week and let them take it from here..... i'm really nervous because I thought there was a good chance I could be preg before I found out that they couldnt locate the IUD..... now I really think the stakes are good for me to be preg.... but i'm scared because if we are preg again we dont want to lose the baby... and the dr says i'm fine.... so does anyone have a similar story or advice to give? i'm freaking out.... ?